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Tool 3 |
Do you believe in free will?
What is your definition of free will?
Did we make you doubt?
Do you think it is possible to make a wrong decision?
Considering that your decisions are influenced by many factors, do you still think it's free will?
About this project|
People believe in FREE WILL.

But they admit to not technically having a choice.

Free will means to act according to your desires and results in happiness.
It was rather difficult to make the participants doubt their free will, partly because it all depends on the personal definition of free will which we quickly started to ask as a second question. This way, we established a common ground trying to avoid talking at cross purposes.

Although having had interesting discussions, we realized that we should have given an insight to the philosophical discussion of the existence of free will based on our desk research. Many of the participants insisted on their ability to choose freely due to not knowing or understanding the alternative belief of determinism. However, some of them we were able to make doubt their belief of the truth and all of them questioned it throughout our conversation.

Discussing abstract and philosophical topics that questions our lives fundamentally is not easy, especially with strangers that are caught off-guard. From this experience, we concluded to translate it into a thought experiment that would make the question more accessible and relatable.
Tool 4 |
Sources |
Experiment 2 >>